Saturday, February 28, 2015

ISIS are Armies of Dajjal: More Evidences

ISIS are armies of Dajjal - Zaid Hamid

ISIS Khawarij are armies of Dajjal:

  1. Remember, I told you ISIS is a war against Islamic heritage, history, literature & culture. They are burning it now.
  2. Britain & US are regularly supplying ISIS with weapons, ammo, food & Mil logistics. It is a huge supply operation.…/american-aircraft-airdropped-we…/
  3. There is overwhelming evidence from cross section of corroborating witnesses that a massive air bridge to ISIS exist.…/291028-US-continues-to-airdrop-weapon…
  4. Iraqi army has shot down two British planes carrying weapons to ISIS. Now London has been asked to explain their role.

Source Link
( Words By Zaid Hamid )

ISIS are Armies of Dajjal: More Evidences: ISIS Burns 8000 Rare Books and Manuscripts in Mosul
ISIS Burns 8000 Rare Books and Manuscripts in Mosul

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Army of Dajjal in Middle East: Plan of Zionists

Army of Dajjal in Middle East Plan of Zionists- Zaid Hamid

"Rasul Allah (sm) had warned us that Khawarij would be armies of Dajjal ! We see that in Pakistan and in Syria/Iraq as well. 
  • The Khawarij in Pakistan are allies of Hindu Mushriks and originate from Darul Uloom Deoband. This is a fact NOT an allegation.

Every Muslim MUST declare TTP as Khawarij. If he does not, then may Allah rise such a person with Khawarij and Mushriks on the day of judgement !! Ameen." Source Link
( Words By ZAID HAMID )

Plan of Zionists:

Plan of Zionists is very simple.
  • To disintegrate Islamic Countries
  • To destroy shrines and graves of Ahle Bayt, Sahaba Karam (RA), Messengers of Allah
  • To destroy and eradicate the Islamic culture and values
  • To make Greater Israel
 They want to do all this because the coming Muslim race could not know about the heroes, culture and values of Islam. They are using ISIS for this purpose.

Army of Dajjal in Middle East - Zaid Hamid

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Sultan Noor Uddin Zangi/Sultan Sallahuddin Ayubi - ZAID HAMID

Long Live Pakistan ( Madina e Sani )
Sultan Noor Uddin Zangi/Sultan Salahuddin Ayobi - ZAID HAMID

Another master piece of history by the ZAID HAMID. Take yourself into the war of crusades. Enlighten your eman. A worth reading book for all the Muslim Youth. A gift for Muslim Ummah. Kindly read and Share this book among your family and friends. Know your history, know your heroes, know yourself. Jazak Allah.

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Zaid Hamid About Tariq Jameel: Current Status

Long Live Pakistan ( Madina e Sani )
Zaid Hamid about Tariq Jameel Current Status

" In Hadees Shareef, there is mention of a "pious" man, who remained busy in praying and Ibadaat of Allah (swt) BUT NEVER stopped his people from the Zulm, despite having the power to stop the Zulm. Allah destroyed those people, starting from the Alim who was so "pious" !!

When I read these Hadees shareef, it reminds me of Tariq Jameel ! He will bring azaab on this nation and his people because of his criminal silence despite having the power to stop this bloodshed by Khawarij.

What People Says:

Many idiots say that I have become personal with Tariq Jameel. This is stupid argument.

Zaid Hamid About Tariq Jameel Current Status
The fact is that all other Deobandi mullahs who have influence over Khawarij are all exposed fully in front of the nation. Fazal, Sameeul Haq, Mufti Naeem, Tahir Ashrafi, Munawwar hasan, Siraj are exposed and humiliated. But Tariq Jameel is still respected by many people and all Khawarij follow him with great respect.

Why Tariq Jameel Should Declare TTP as Khawarij:

If Tariq Jameel declare TTP as Khawarij, it will stop huge bloodshed in the country. But he decides to remain silent.... supporting the Khawarij in their war against Ummat e Rasul (sm). All his ibadat can go to hell if he is afraid to speak the truth ! No respect for someone who stays silent now despite having the power to speak up ! Source Link
( Words By ZAID HAMID )

Tariq jameel should speak against TTP according to Hadith

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Important Massage for All The Shia Community - ZAID HAMID

Long Live Pakistan ( Madina e Sani )
Important massage for shia community - Zaid Hamid

"Now I want to address Shia Muslims directly. It is critical that they understand me clearly.

Enemies are trying to ignite a sectarian war in the country. Next 30 days are extremely sensitive as enemies will try to block the March 23rd Parade and the visit of Chinese President. In entire Muslim world, this is the strategy of the Dajjal and Khawarij -- ignite sectarian wars.

In Pakistan, Shias are part of Muslim community. I do NOT see any Shia killings. I only see Muslims being killed. But what I am seeing is that Shia community is reacting very foolishly after an attack by the Khawarij and are playing right into the trap set by the enemies.

Just to give one example :

When the attack happened in Imambargah on Islamabad express way, few Shia youth came out on the main Islamabad-Pindi highway and blocked the entire main artery for 8 hours, blocking hundreds of thousands of vehicles, creating serious crisis for Millions of Muslims. 

The roadblock was only hurting the Pakistani Muslims, NOT the Khawarij. This is pure insanity ! DO NOT do this stupidity. People were cursing the Shia community for blocking the road and this sectarian hatred was rising.

Shia Muslims must understand this:
The whole country is feeling the pain of this war, not just Shias. Over 100,000 Muslims have died at the hands of Khawarij, 95 % are Sunni Muslims. Pak army and Sunni majority Muslims are leading the fight against the Khawarij and are giving great sacrifices. There is NO need to create more crisis in the country after every attack by the Khawarij.

There will be more attack. There will be casualties. Stand firm, united with courage and discipline.
  • DO NOT act like idiots. 
  • DO NOT burn the properties of fellow Muslims. 
  • DO NOT block roads to cripple the entire city. 
This is what enemy wants. Let the army deal with the enemies and let us strengthen the hands of our forces.

All Shia Muslims should convey this to their elders and stop their brothers from being anarchic. If anyone of you burns the property, cars, homes of fellow Muslims just because some Khawarij had attacked a masjid, then you are not a victim but zalim yourself. Then we will be harsh on you too. Show the manners and character of a Momin, not a Kharji.

Jazak Allah" Source Link

Important Massage for All The Shia Community - ZAID HAMID

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Alliance between ISIS and Israel: Working for Greater Israel

Long Live Pakistan ( Madina e Sani )
Syed Zaid Zaman Hamid

A great example of Modern Warfare: ISIS

ISIS is the nature of modern 21st century warfare! Covert agencies create non-State violent actors, exploiting the religious, ethnic lines. The religious narrative which is being peddled by the ISIS is that their "Islamic" State will also capture Istanbul! Clear threat to Turkey.

ISIS and Israel: Threat to Muslim World

The Greater Israel
The Greater Israel also has the entire northern Saudi Arabia, up till the boundaries of the city of Medina! Now the Saudi dynasty in trouble. So called Islamic State destroying only those States which are supposed to be part of Greater Israel Understand this!

While ISIS is degrading & Balkanizing Syria & Iraq, 

US & EU are on the verge of a financial meltdown:

Israel is already preparing to absorb millions of European/US Jews into Israel!
The Christian world has been decimated by the Jews - through their total control of US Federal Reserve, Bank of England & entire Media!! Now both US & EU are on the verge of a financial meltdown! Fiscal cliff in US & collapse of Euro zone are needed to push Jews into Israel! There are millions of Jews who believe that the State of Israel is a blasphemy to Jewish faith! Such good Jews will also be killed by Zionists.

Quaid e Azam ( Muhammad Ali Jinnah ) Views about Israel

Back in 1930's, Pakistan's founding father MA Jinnah, could see the dangers posed by the Israel plan & called it "a dagger in Muslim heart". Even before the creation of Pakistan, M A Jinnah, fought hard & fierce against British & US leaders, threatening them of revolt on Israel plan. History & events have proved today that Israel is indeed a dagger in the Muslim heart! Jinnah's vision vindicated.

British Empire is More evil than the US and Israel:

On the Matter of Israel

The blood is on Britain! Britain wrote the letter to Lord Rothschild after the Balfour Declaration, asking him to inform the Intl Jewry that Palestine is theirs now. It was that letter to Rothschild 90 years ago, which sowed the seeds of the bloodshed we see in the Middle East today. From World wars to ISIS today! If Hitler killed the Jews in Europe, what right did Britain had to hand over Muslim land of Palestine to Jews as compensation? War Crime!

On the Matter of Kashmir

Britain is the most evil empire - more evil than US & Israel. The devil incarnation - always sow the seeds of violence for generations. Today, Pakistan & India are on the verge of a nuclear holocaust over Kashmir - a dispute created by Britain. Middle East is burning due to Israel!!

All Britain Rulers Should be Hanged

If there was a fair & independent trial court, all rulers of Britain in the last 300 years should be dug up from their graves & hanged!! After all, digging up graves of criminals, hanging their dead bodies & dismembering it is the English tradition! Oliver Cromwell told me. Source Link
( Words By Zaid Hamid )

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

ISIS: The Army of Dajjal ( ISIS is Israeli Army and Khawarij working for Greater Israel )

Long Live Pakistan ( Madina e Sani )
Zaid Hamid

" In 2001, US army had released maps of Balkanized Iraq, Syria & Middle East. But decades earlier, David Gurian gave this plan!

One has to be a moron to believe that ISIS is an Islamic entity, while violating every norm of Islamic faith & helping create Greater Israel.

Why ISIS is still Survives? It is working for Greater Israel

Just imagine, a "terrorist Islamic State" has been created in Iraq & Syria. It still has electricity, cell phones, internet & servers in EU. The "Islamic" State is able to make highly choreographed complex videos, is able to import Orange Jumpsuits of all sizes from Iraq to Libya.

The "Islamic" state is constantly getting infinite supply of latest weapons/ammo, while it is supposed to be at war with all its neighbors!

Entire military power of US/NATO/Israel/Jordan/Iraq/Kurdistan/Turkey is supposed to be enemy of ISIS. Still it survives?

Dont be naive!! ISIS is Israeli army & Khawarij joining hands for greater Israel. Khawarij and Dajjal Nexus !! Source Link
( Words By ZAID HAMID )

ISIS: The Army of Dajjal ( ISIS is Israeli Army and Khawarij working for Greater Israel )

Monday, February 16, 2015

What are The Most Powerful Weapons of Kufr Now a Days

 What are The Most Powerful Weapons of Kufr

"The most powerful weapons of the present exploitative systems of Kufr are : 
  • The Media, 
  • The lawyers and 
  • The Education systems.

Through the media, the mass programming of the people is done. Through the education system, the slaves of the system are produced who are made to believe that they do not need to change this system at all and should continue to serve the judicial, economic and political orders of the Kufr.

What is Happening in Pakistan:

In Pakistan, the biggest and most sinister role has been played by the private media and the private liberal secular schools where there is total ideological and spiritual anarchy, hijacking and destroying the entire present generation of youth! The role which the private secular amoral westernized schools have played in destroying the ideology and identity of the young generation is so sinister that most of these schools owners would be treated at par to the treacherous media and traitors.

The entire generation of educated, urban Pakistani Muslims have been "killed" in these private schools." Source Link
(Words By Zaid Hamid )

 What are The Most Powerful Weapons of Kufr

This text in below paragraph is from the Protocols of the learned elders of Zionists and explain why the media today is so strongly controlled by Zionist forces and their snakes like SAFMA
The objectives are to create:

  • Confusion, 
  • Anarchy, 
  • Chaos, 
  • Collapse of unity and uniting authority and bring about total moral and social anarchy!
This is exactly what they are doing in Pakistan, creating confusion and chaos, making friends into enemies and presenting enemies into friends.

Fifth Protocol:

1st Secret:

To obtain control over public opinion, it is first necessary to confuse it by the expression from various sides of so many conflicting opinions.

2nd Secret:

"The second secret consists in so increasing and intensifying the shortcomings of the people in their habits, passions and mode of living that no one will be able to collect himself in the chaos, and, consequently, people will lose all their mutual understanding. 
This measure will serve us also in breeding disagreement in all parties, in disintegrating all those collective forces which are still unwilling to submit to us and in discouraging all personal initiative which can in any way interfere with our undertaking."

On the contrary, Allah says in Quran:

وہ جو لوگوں کے دلوں میں وسوسے ڈالتے ہیں،

يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا إِن جَاءَكُمْ فَاسِقٌ بِنَبَإٍ فَتَبَيَّنُوا أَن تُصِيبُوا قَوْمًا بِجَهَالَةٍ فَتُصْبِحُوا عَلَىٰ مَا فَعَلْتُمْ نَادِمِينَ ﴿الحجرات: ٦﴾

اے ایمان والو اگر کوئی فاسق تمہارے پاس کوئی خبر لائے تو تحقیق کرلو کہ کہیں کسی قوم کو بے جانے ایذا نہ دے بیٹھو پھر اپنے کیے پر پچھتاتے رہ جاؤ،

That is why we say that 

The corrupt media is the most lethal weapon of Dajjal being used to destroy the very foundations of the faith, nation and the country. Their accountability would be as ruthless as of the TTP, BLA and the present rulers. InshAllah." Source Link
( Words by Zaid Hamid )

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Wake up Call: We people fights for our political Parties, Why not Fight for Pakistan?

Long Live Pakistan ( Madina e Sani )
We people fights for our political Parties, Why not Fight for Pakistan?

What is Our Behavior:

Almost 90% Pakistani youth spend their online time in defending their political parties.
If someone abuses PPP, MQM, PTI, PML(N) or any other political parties, entire online population turns these things into a burning War Zone.

What is happening to Pakistan:

Does we people spend half of our online time in defending Pakistan against the cyber attacks instead of defending our political parties.
Over the years 
  • Pakistan is being abused.
  • Jinnah ( Quaid e Azam ) is being abused and ridiculed.
  • Iqbal has forgotten.
  • Two nation theory is being abused.
  • Pakistan Security forces and Agencies are being abused.

Our Response:

  • Where is our reaction
  • Where is our patriotism
  • Where is our fight for Pakistan
  • Why not a single talk show is held on defending the ideology and two nation theory of Pakistan? 
We have no cyber-aggression to all of that matters. Pity on US.

I pray and hope that Pakistani nation who spend almost all of their online time in defending their respective political parties or watching movies and playing game, should spend minimum half of their online time in defending Pakistan from Cyber-crusades.


Friday, February 13, 2015

Our sect: Ishq e Rasul (sm) and adab e Rasul (sm) and Our duty: Defend Pak Sarzameen

Long Live Pakistan ( Madina e Sani )
Our sect is Ishq e Rasul (sm) and adab e Rasul (sm) and our duty is to defend Pak Sarzameen - ZAID HAMID

"What is the Real Threat for Us:

Those who are stuck in their sectarian, ethnic and political loyalties, should now understand the real threat -- Pakistan is now surrounded from all sides by enemies of all kinds - from within and from outside. If you do not wake up NOW, you will be decimated, humiliated, insulted and killed irrespective of your sect, ethnicity and political affiliation.

Reaction Zaid Hamid Got in Return:

  • When I speak against Khawarij, Deobandis attack me in return.
  • When I speak in support of Gen Zia and Mullah Umer, Shias start to attack me.
  • When I speak against the wrong policies of Saudi Arabia, Salafis and Deobandis start to call me Iranian agent.

Remember this clearly

Our sect is Ishq e Rasul (sm) and adab e Rasul (sm) and our duty is to defend Pak Sarzameen against all Khawarij, Mushriks, Zionists, sectarian, ethnic, regional terrorists. We will NOT show any mercy towards any group, party or sect which divides, attacks and destroys Pak Sarezameen or attack Pakistan army and ISI.

If you want to be part of this mission, you will have to follow OUR SECT -- Ishq e Rasul (sm) !!! Ishq of Pakistan !! Ghazwa e Hind !! Khilafat e Rashida !!

Otherwise, you are just another loser. It does not matter which party or sect you belong to. Just another loser...." Source Link

Pakistan is now surrounded from all sides by enemies of all kinds - from within and from outside- Our sect is Ishq e Rasul (sm) and adab e Rasul (sm) and our duty is to defend Pak Sarzameen

This is the DUTY OF ULAMA to Condemn the Killers and Khawarij

Long Live Pakistan ( Madina e Sani )
This is the DUTY OF ULAMA to Condemn the Killers and Khawarij- ZAID HAMID

This is the DUTY OF ULAMA to Condemn the Killers and Khawarij

Yesterday (12-2-2015), DG ISPR gave a detailed briefing on Peshawar massacre of our children. The entire gang was exposed, handlers were named and this was also disclosed that the killers stayed in the house of an Imam of Masjid before beginning their slaughter of our children !! It was a Deobandi masjid and an Deobandi Iman who was a Kharji, protected the Khawarij and then supported the massacre of our children ! We have been saying over and over again -- This is the Duty of Deoband Ulama to condemn the killers and Khawarij within their ranks. Otherwise, we will rip them apart, humiliate the, insult them and expose their filth which they hide in their hearts !

Reaction of Deoband Ulama:

But we hear nothing from Tariq Jameel, Samee, Fazal, Sheerani, Mufti naeem. What we do hear is that Mufti naeem was also involved in burning 300 people alive in Karachi ! Ya Allah ! What a curse this fitnah of Khawarij is.....

Duty of Shia Ulama to disown the Shias in MQM:

The other day, MQM leader Haider Abbas Rizvi proudly shouted that he is a hardcore Shia who does matam with Zanjeers with his whole family !! It clearly mean that he is NOT a secular man but claims to represent the "Hussainiat" and Shias. But his hands are also dripping with blood but we hear NO Shia scholar condemning the murders, crimes and bhatta of MQM which Haider Rizvi represents. Here, we would demand from Shia scholars and community also to expel and disown those Shias who are leading the mass murders of MQM.

Reaction of Shia Ulama:

But just as Deobandis do not condemn the Khawarij, Shia Ulama remain silent on the crimes of their brothers in MQM !! 

This is the reason why Allah has inflicted azaab upon us.

Ulama have failed to Rise:

InshAllah, now with MQM, this fitnah of Khawarij would also be nailed. But the Ulama have failed to rise and this is such a shame.... Astaghfurullah !!  Source Link
( Words by ZAID HAMID )

This is the DUTY OF ULAMA to Condemn the Killers and Khawarij

Thursday, February 12, 2015

InshAllah, End of TTP Khawarij is Close - ZAID HAMID

Long Live Pakistan ( Madina e Sani )

" Yesterday(11-2-2015), a fierce firefight broke out in Jalalabad between AfghanTaliban (TTA) & Pakistani Taliban TTP allied themselves with Daish! AfghanTaliban TTA have declared war on Daish. TTP did the catastrophic blunder of giving their allegiance to Daish. This suits Pakistan!

This latest fight between TTA and TTP clearly suggests TWO CRITICAL POINTS.
  1. Afghan Taliban (TTA) are NOT supporting TTP.
  2. Afghan Taliban (TTA) are NOT Takfiri Khawarij.

CIA/RAW are now trying to expand the footprint of Daish. All previous terror groups funded by CIA/RAW/Mossad are being asked to change names.

We had always maintained that there is NOT separate Daish in Pakistan & Afghanistan. There are only TTP Khawarij who are changing names now. Within Afghanistan now, Afghan Taliban are hunting all those Afghans who are now being planted by CIA to emerge as Daish. TTA is furious. :-) " Source Link
( Words By ZAID HAMID )

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

What type of Banking system Quaid Wants in Pakistan

Long Live Pakistan ( Madina e Sani )
Zaid Hamid

"The entire system of money, banking, finance and investments is at war with Allah and Rasul Allah (sm). This is the challenge for us. When Quaid e Azam inaugurated the State Bank of Pakistan in 1948, his last speech, he categorically mentioned the western economic system as the root cause of all evils in the world. He said that now only a miracle can save the world driven by western Banking system and Riba!

He also asked the State Bank of Pakistan to work towards an Islamic economic model. Most of our children and even the elders have no idea what an Islamic economic system is which is solid, just and without any exploitation of the humanity. This diagram will give you a snapshot. For details, please click on the Link Below.
Economic Terrorism( Muashi Dahshat Gardi) in Urdu - Zaid Hamid

For us, there is NO choice now. We reject the interest based banking system run through fake paper currency! It is the total and complete fraud and Haram but unfortunately, approved by our scholars under the facade of "Islamic Banking"! We reject it because Allah and Rasul Allah (sm) are at war with it and there is no question of any compromise! Never, ever!" Source Link
( Words By ZAID HAMID )
What type of Banking system Quaid Wants in Pakistan

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Khalid Bin Waleed (RA) - Booklet by Zaid Hamid

Khalid Bin Waleed (RA) - Booklet by Zaid Hamid

Hazrat Khalid Bin Waleed (RA) was the great great warrior of Islamic History and all times. He is known by the name of " Saif ullah " means " Sword of Allah ". Must read this book and know about the greatest warrior of all time in the history of world.

Why Zaid Hamid always wears a Red Cap

Long Live Pakistan ( Madina e Sani )
zaid Hamid

Let us share with you a secret. The cap of Khilafat e Usmania was called Turkee Topi. It was Red, with a frill falling on a side. All Muslims used to wear it in the Ummah. Iqbal loved it and wore it also. Even today, The North African Muslims wear a dark Red FEZ cap which is a Turkee Topi without the frill. The national dress of Morocco has a bright Red Fez cap. Turks even fought a small war to save this cap called the "Hat war"! This red cap was a symbol of Muslim honor and only Kuffar made fun of it even then! Source Link
( Words by Zaid Hamid )

Turkish Hat

Monday, February 9, 2015

Mufti Naeem of Jamia Banoria also involved in Bhatta Mafia and Baldia Town Massacre

Long Live Pakistan ( Madina e Sani )
Zaid Hamid

" Mufti Naeem should be arrested and investigated by the JIT also. We had always told you that he is a tout of MQM as well as TTP Khawarij. Some people doubted us but now more and more evidence is coming forth.

My confirmed reports are that Mufti Naeem is directly connected to RAW and that is why supports Altaf the mass murderer despite being a Deobandi. When it comes to MQM, Mufti Naeem is best friends with Haider Abbas Rizvi. This was the reason he was barking so much against us -- RAW, TTP and MQM had given him the duty to stop our mission. Now they will pay for their crimes.. InshAllah !" Source Link
( Words by Zaid Hamid )

Mufti Naeem of Jamia Banoria also involved in Bhatta Mafia and Baldia Town Massacre

Sunday, February 8, 2015

The panic in MQM is palpable: Zaid Hamid Views about Latest Condition of MQM

Long Live Pakistan ( Madina e Sani )
Zaid Hamid

Tweets on Karachi situation:

1- While MQM barked their heart out today in press conference & Altaf the toad threatens the Media, ISI & Rangers arrest another killer of MQM!

2- MQM can threaten, murder, scream as much as they want ! Net around them is now being closed.. Raheel & Rizwan will NOT take any more terror!
Reality of Rizwan Qureshi

3- MQM idiots cannot see the response plan. 

There was a reason why Gen Raheel appointed DG Rangers as the DG ISI, MQM & that toad is cooked. The MQM killer arrested today ran a gang of assassins in the city. ISI/Rangers are picking up the gang leaders who are spilling it all.

4- General Raheel's visit to UK 

General Raheel's visit to UK also had MQM terror on the agenda. The process of intel gathering have begun seriously. Toad ( Altaf Hussain) will be deep fried. My hunch is that British govt would kill him instead of handing him to ISI. Dirty role of MI6 cant be exposed by London. Toad knows it now.

5- Why army did not clean up MQM terror earlier ? 

Because we did not have R&R ( General Raheel and General Rizwan ). Kayani was too reluctant, too afraid to confront political chaos. Both R& R are firm in confronting collapse of political order & ruthlessly believe that only State can have monopoly of violence in country. Raheel was waiting for Rizwan to take charge as DG ISI.

6- Rizwan had hardly settled when Peshawar happened & focus went on TTP. Now they focus Karachi too. Pak media has shamelessly surrendered to the terror of MQM. Channels are terror struck to name Altaf/MQM but only refer as "political party"

Mujeeb ur Rehman Shami Views About MQM's Killing
7- The panic in MQM is palpable. 

They have been shaken up by the level of outrage over their insane butchery of 300 people.

Caught red handed! one of the reason channels dont invite me is that they are afraid I will rip MQM and TTP apart. Channels are too cowards to confront them!

8- The crisis is too cancerous. The fact is that PPP & TTP also wreck terror in Karachi in addition to MQM. Uzair Baloch to AH to PPP to TTP..

JIT Report and MQM

To Counter Attacking Mushriks, We dont Need to be Get Paid

Long Live Pakistan ( Madina e Sani )
Zaid Hamid

"Indian rascals, we dont need to be paid to kick your teeth and backsides. We do for free and loving it all the way ! :))

Mushriks are really afriad and hurt by the Azaan of one faqeer.

Mushriks and their Khawarij puppys are investing into Entire TV programs, billions of rupees, thousands of manhours trying to undo the damage we inflict upon them through our duty alhamdolillah !

Enemies know, as long as this faqeer is doing his duty, their war against Pak Sarzameen can never succeed. That is why you will see the Khawarij -- Mufti Naeem, Tahir Ashrafi type snakes -- specially have been trying very hard to stop their azaan. Only to please their SAFMA, Geo and Mushriks masters. 

Alhamdolillah, our entire armed forces and ISI respect our work. we have shown you the letters and will show you more gifts we regularly recieve from them.. BUT we do this duty for FREE! Our Ajr is with Allah alone and we dont need to be paid to fight Ghazwa e Hind !!

Labbaik Ya Rasul Allah ! Labbaik Ghazwa e Hind !!

Mushriks and Khawarij can go to hell ! We love it when they burn in their rage !" Source Link
( Words By ZAID HAMID )
To Counter Attacking Mushriks, We dont Need to be Get Paid

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Let the enemies Burn in Their Rage: Relation between ZAID HAMID and Pak Army

Long Live Pakistan ( Madina e Sani )
Zaid Hamid

" The fact that we defend our forces, ideology and the millat and that we are highly respected by the top military leadership and young officers alike is difficult for the enemies to digest ! They always come up with lame justifications that 
  • He is backed by GHQ.
  • Paid by ISI
  • Launched by ISPR etc 
  • OR that army does not like him, keep him away .... etc etc

While it would be our honor to work with our own armed forces, but the fact is that we do this duty out of love and as our our own duty towards Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm) !

But, as a mark of respect for our duty, we do receive invitations from all tiers of armed forces to visit their bases and are given gifts by various fighting forces.

Now we share some gifts from our armed forces.

Gifts Received By SSG Commandos:

Pak army Commandos, our very finest Eagles, invited us once to Cherat, their den in the mountains near Peshawar. 
A knife Given By SSG, to ZAID HAMID
A knife Given By SSG, to ZAID HAMID
We spent the day with our eagles and were shown all the facilities, we fired all the guns and spent the day with our officers and men who were either returning from the operations or going to them. It was one of the most memorable day indeed. We were gifted special souvenirs also by the offers and men of the SSG. It hangs proudly in our office wall today.

ZAID HAMID at SSG hedquarter, Cherat
ZAID HAMID at SSG hedquarter, Cherat
Gift received by SSG to ZAID HAMID
Gift recieved by SSG to ZAID HAMID

Gift Received by Submarine Force of Pakistan:

Once we were invited for lunch by the SubMarine force of Pak Navy and again, on behalf of the entire force, we were gifted their special Shield. It sits proudly in our office today.
Shield Received by Submarine force of Pakistan to Zaid Hamid
Shield Received by Submarine force of Pakistan to Zaid Hamid

Relation with General Tariq Khan:

Dear brother and friend, General Tariq Khan would routinely invite us to Mangla Garrison and we would train at the firing range and discuss National Security issues. The dagger of the our strike Corp is also a treasured gift from 1 Copr as mark of their love for us.

Let the Enemies Burn in their Rage:

Alhamdolillah, the appreciation and respect for our duty is intense within the armed forces. We are also their guardian angels and will NEVER abandon our brothers and sons in this difficult war. Enemies know this fact and always try to create perceptions that army does not respect our work or keep a distance from us. We had never told anyone about our close respectable relationship with the armed forces but now the time has come...

Let the enemies burn in their rage.. May Allah Keep Sabz Hilali Parcham high always...
( Words By ZAID HAMID )

Pakistani Nation is facing Azaab by Allah: In the light of Hadith

Long Live Pakistan ( Madina e Sani )
Zaid Hamid

"The bloodshed we have upon is today is due to the silence of those who have the power to stop it and those who do not condemn it. Hadees of Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm) is the hujjat upon us all. Those who deny the Hadees e Mubaraka are Kafir o Zindeeq !

Khawarij belong to Deobandi maslak. It is the duty of the Deobandi Ulama to speak against them and stop them from slaughtering the Ummah. If the slaughter continues, then these men are responsible !! Know their faces and curse them if they still remain silent... Because Allah curse such people too. "
( Words By Zaid Hamid )

It is my personal request to all the people's of Pakistan to do Astaghfar. Jazak Allah
(Usman Khalid )

Pakistan Nation is facing Azaab by Allah:  In the light of Hadith

Karachi will be the battleground now: We will defend Pakistan against all enemies, irrespective of their political affiliation, sects, ethnicity. This is a promise.

Long Live Pakistan ( Madina e Sani )
Zaid Hamid

Blames upon Zaid Hamid:

  • Blame of spreading Sectarianism: Only Deobandi Khawarij and their idiotic morons accuse me of spreading sectarianism and speaking against their sect and "Jihad".
  • Blame of Targeting Urdu Speakers: MQM blame me of targeting the Urdu speakers. 

What are the Facts:

About MQM accusation: 

I am an Urdu speaker. My all 4 grand parents, my parents migrated to Pakistan by leaving behind their entire wealth and lands of generations. I was born in Karachi. Karachi was my hometown till 1992. I am a pure Karachiite. I say that MQM DOES NOT represent us. Altaf is a snake, fed by RAW & MI6. He must be hanged for killing 100,000 Pakistanis in the last 25 years. MQM CANNOT challenge my credentials.

About Deobands Khawarij Accusation: 

I am the Mujahid of Afghan Jihad. We defeated the Soviets. We fought under Islam and Sharia. We never covered our faces. We never killed women, children. We NEVER tortured prisoners. We NEVER attacked Pakistan. We fought against the Soviets and Communist Afghans and Indians. Now I say that TTP are Khawarij and NOT Mujahideen. They CANNOT challenge my credentials.

Role of Ulama about MQM:

MQM has a huge presence of Shia leadership. Entire Shia community of Karachi supported MQM. On the other hand, Mufti Naeem is a hardcore Kharji Deobandi. He also fully supports Altaf Hussian. I know that. Karachi is MY city too. We say that openly that MQM is a terrorist organization and all its leaders must be crushed -- Shias or Sunnis or just secular. 

Many Ulama of all religious parties from all sects attend Iftar parties and dinners of MQM and eat the Haram Bhatta money food. By not speaking against MQM and eating from the table of MQM, all Ulama are guilty of haram rizq, haram amal and supporting MQM. 

Karachi will Be The Battleground Now:

Karachi will be the battleground now. Decades of Zulm and silence of the Ulama and corruption of the governments cannot be cleaned in a day without bloodshed. As MQM's hand is exposed in burning 300 Muslims alive, this will get even more ugly. This is a punishment on this nation for its collective crimes. Each one is responsible -- every political party, every sect, every Mullah ! Blame yourself.. 

We will Defend PAKISTAN:

We will defend Pakistan against all enemies, irrespective of their political affiliation, sects, ethnicity. This is a promise.
( Words By ZAID HAMID )
Karachi will be the battleground now: We will defend Pakistan against all enemies, irrespective of their political affiliation, sects, ethnicity. This is a promise.

Friday, February 6, 2015

10 Similarities between 1992 and 2015's world cup Pakistan Cricket Team

Here are the ten similarities which are surprisingly coincident with the World cup 2015's Pakistan Cricket team and 1992 World cup's Pakistan Cricket Team.

1- Vanue

1992 world cup Pakistan Cricket Team2015 world cup Pakistan Cricket Team

1992 world-cup------------------ Australia, New Zealand
2015 world-cup------------------ Australia, New Zealand

2- Captian

Imran Khan and Misbah ul Haq

1992 Worldcup----------------- Imran Khan from Mianwali ( Tribe Niazi )
2015 Worldcup----------------- Misbah ul Haq from Mianwali ( Tribe  Niazi )

3- Lead Bowler

     Wasim Akram Muhammad Irfan world's Tallest Bowler

1992 Worldcup----------------- Wasim Akram Left arm Fast Bowler
2015 Worldcup----------------- Muhammad Irfan Left arm Fast Bowler

4- Before Worldcup Fast Bowler Injury

Waqar YounusJunaid Khan

1992 Worldcup----------------- Waqar Younus got Injured 
2015 Worldcup----------------- Junaid Khan got Injured

5- Wicket Keeper

Moin Khan(Left) and Sarfraz Ahmad(Right)

1992 Worldcup----------------- Moin Khan from Karachi ( Love to Sweep )
2015 Worldcup----------------- Sarfaraz Ahmad from Karachi ( Love to Sweep )

6- Two Leg Spinner in the Squad

1992 Worldcup---------------- Mushtaq Ahmad, Iqbal Sikandar
2015 Worldcup---------------- Shahid Afridi, Yasir Shah

7- Prime Minister of Pakistan

        Mian Muhammad Nawaz Sharif 1992Mian Muhammad Nawaz Sharif 2015

1992 Worldcup---------------- Mian Muhammad Nawaz Sharif
2015 Worldcup---------------- Mian Muhammad Nawaz Sharif

8- Middle Order Batsman first Worldcup

Inzamam ul Haq(Left) and Suhaib Maqsood(Right)

1992 Worldcup---------------- Inzamam ul Haq from Multan ( A surprize Pakage )
2015 Worldcup---------------- Suhaib Maqsood from Multan ( Can be a Surprize Pakage )

9- Aggressive Middle Order Batsman

Ijaz Ahmad(Left) and Umar Akmal(right)

1992 Worldcup---------------- Salim Malik from Lahore ( Right Handed Bat )
2015 Worldcup---------------- Umar Akmal from Lahore( Right Handed Bat )

10- Opening Batsman

Ramiz Raja(Left) and Ahmad Shahzad(Right)

1992 Worldcup--------------- Ramiz Raja from Lahore ( Right Handed Bat )
2015 Worldcup--------------- Ahmad Shahzad from Lahore ( Right Handed Bat )

Lets Hope and Pray the Outcome will be the Same Too............:-)
Imran Khan(Left) and Misbah ul Haq(Right) Holding World Cup's Trophy