Sunday, February 1, 2015

Intensity of 5th Generation War is increasing day by day in Pakistan

Long Live Pakistan ( Madina e Sani )
Intensity of 5th Generation War is increasing day by day in Pakistan

Final Showdown is going to be start vary soon:

"These are extremely sensitive times in the country. As the Pak army has launched its most determined campaign to strike at every axis of violence in the country, the enemies within the country and outside are also gearing up for final showdown. From tribal areas to Baluchistan to Karachi – the militant axis is equally wide as the attacks on the economic, judicial, diplomatic and political fronts. MQM is aggressively trying to draw army into the streets of Karachi for the final phase of urban war. Syrian cities are a nightmarish reminder of the nature of modern urban war.

What 5th generation warfare brought in different countries of the World:

From Peshawar to Damascus to Tripoli to Sana in Yemen, the axis of violence is widespread and devastating. Iraq has been dismembered with more than half of the country under a brutal terrorist outfit ISIS, identical twins of TTP in Pakistan. The Iraqi government has been reduced to an administration only sustained only by the US presence and support. Sectarian and ethnic violence tears Iraq apart as well, with Shia-Sunnis and Kurds fighting within each other for turf, political power and survival.
Zaid Hamid

The only Difference is PAK ARMY:

Identical scenario is being repeated in Pakistan also. The only difference between Pakistan and Iraq is Pakistan army, which is keeping Pakistan united, defended and strong enough to stay as a nation state. Still, Pakistan army is forced to fight a high intensity war within the boundaries of the country, trying to crush a foreign backed religious insurgency in tribal areas and a secular separatist movement in Baluchistan. Now another violent axis is being built in Karachi through MQM. The government is not just corrupt, it is actually at war with its own army and the people.

Time for thinking of PAK ARMY also:

Pak army will have to draw the red line themselves. For how long would they continue to drag a treacherous political regime which is now nothing but excess baggage dragging the state down into the abyss? The war imposed upon Pakistan is designed to create and spread anarchy. Its tentacles are spread deep into the organs of the state, into the political parties, into media and into the religious seminaries. It is a total war imposed upon the country and only army cannot fight and win it without the total support of all State organs, which remains absent at the moment.

Every week passed brings more challenges:

Every week passed brings more challenges with little response from the government. Pressure is piling up on the army as the enemies expand the theater and increase the intensity of the deployed 5th Gen War. Source Link"
( Words by Zaid Hamid )

For understanding what is 5th generation Warfare Read my article below:

Intensity of 5th Generation War is increasing day by day in Pakistan

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