Saturday, January 10, 2015

Military Courts

Military Courts cover all terrorist gangs.

Military Courts cover all terrorist gangs -- religious and secular both, including military wings of all political parties. That is why you see total panic in MQM and needless noise by the Mullahs.
The following are the words, whereby a description of crimes rather than a definition of terrorism alone has been provided, have to be tried in military courts exclusively, being established by virtue of 21st amendment in the constitution, which was passed recently by the parliament. A sunset clause has also been provided therein, which causes the amendments to expire on January 7, 2017.
“WHEREAS extraordinary situation and circumstances exist which demand special measures for speedy trial of certain offences relative to terrorism, waging of war or insurrection against Pakistan and prevention of acts threatening the security of Pakistan by the terrorist groups using the name of religion or a sect and also by the members of armed groups, wings and militias;
AND WHEREAS there exists grave and unprecedented threat to the integrity of Pakistan and objectives set out in the Preamble to the Constitution by the framers of the Constitution, from the terrorist groups by raising of arms and insurgency using the name of religion or a sect, or from the foreign and locally funded anti-state elements;
AND WHEREAS it is expedient that the said terrorists groups including any such terrorists fighting while using the name of religion or a sect, captured or to be captured in combat with the Armed Forces or otherwise are tried by the courts established under the Acts mentioned hereinafter in section 2;

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