Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Takmeel Pakistan Mission is Far Above Than the Sectarianism ( Our Identity is Only Muslim )

Long Live Pakistan ( Madina e Sani )
Zaid Hamid

(Words by Zaid Hamid)

The Time Of Fitnah:

"These are times of fitnah, of Dajjal, of Khawarij and divisions within the Ummah on ethnic, political and sectarian lines. ( Generally ) All Muslim sects and schools think that they are the only one on the right path while the others are destined for hell. 
(In the following lines we are presenting the general views of different sects about one another. Keep in mind these are the general views which are causing harm to this Ummat e Muslima. Good and bad people are present in every thought of school.)

Views of Different Sects About One Another Which Causing Harm to This Ummah:

  1. Ahl Hadees/Salafis consider Ahl Sunnah, Barelvis, Shias as Mushriks and Gumrah. They are totally against any visible display of love for Sayadi Rasul Allah (sm), destroy all signs and muqamat which are extremely significant in Muslim history and have an imbalanced extremist harsh view on Shirk and Biddat. 
  2. Shias are extremely beyadab and Gustakh of Sahabas and Sayyada Aisha. Even though Iranian leadership has tried to bring moderation into the extremist Shias but still a huge majority follow the Iraq Najaf scholars who remain extremely hostile towards Khulfa e Rashideen. Also, Shias do not follow any known Mystic and Sufi orders.
  3. Barelvis in Pakistan have lost the balance between display of adab /Ishq and biddat & even though they remain respectful towards Sayyadi Rasul Allah, Sahabas, Aulia and Sufia, there is a strong presence of deviant practices and beliefs within Barelvis as well. The battles for Mazaar are also raging between Barelvis and Shias, where both groups try to take over the Mazaar. Case of Hazrat Bari Imam Mazaar in Islamabad is just one example.
  4. Deobandis are in another hopeless situation, when their scholars are silent or supporters of Khawarij and this group is waging a most bloody war against Pakistan and Ummat e Rasul (sm). All Khawarij in Pakistan belong to deobandi maslak. 

What is Our Mission:

Our mission is the unite the Ummah on the Deem of Rasul Allah (sm) and Khulfa e Rashideen, Defend Pakistan, prepare the Ummah for Ghazwa e Hind and Jihad against Khawarij, create an Islamic economic model based on Gold and unite the Ummah in United States of Islam. This mission is way ABOVE any sectarian divide. 
What is Happenin Against Patriots Muslims

Our Identity is Only Muslim far above of Any Sectarianism:

Those who are with us are Muslims only and then Pakistanis. We DO NOT recognize any other identity. This is the Deen of Sayyadna Abubakr, Sayyadna Umer, Sayyadna Usman and Sayyadna Ali !! 

What is Happenin Against Patriots Muslims:

For the past few days, we are hitting the Deobandi Khawarij for the simple reason that today entire Pak army and Pak nation are at war against them. Deobandi Mullahs are defending the Khawarij or staying silent. That is why we are hitting them and will hit them more. 

The supporters of Khawarij, instead of accepting their mistake, try to counter attack by calling us Shias, Barelvis, Qadianis... Kafir.. ! This is a lame, insane, farcical argument by these Khawarij. Just a desperate attempt to divert the subject and change the issue. 

We DO NOT collect fans here. Every day we ban 100's of Gustakh beyadab Kharjis or their supporters. Their most filthy language, their fatwas of Kufr and their hatred for Pakistan army and Pakistan is so obvious that it makes us even more stronger to hit them harder."Source Link
They should always keep in their mind
We Will Always Hit Them Hard

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